Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year's Echos

2014 is within our grasp and errbody is either heading back to the gym or making new year's resolution. I won't do both. I already got a sled pulling dog that acts as my workout buddy and I won't change but rather I will improve. Why change and make resolution that towards the end of next year you ponder anyare? Let's be objective and realistic by starting off with what made my year, where i am now and where I will be. As Heisenberg said let's start with the "Bulletpoints".

  1. Utang na loob - I'm actually happy by turning down peeps who asked for my help not that I'm a powertripping selfish dude but rather I don't want anybody to owe me anything and I don't wanna holla at em when the time comes that I need a club gig. 
  2. MC and voice talent - Ok I admit I'm not the best and I'm still a rookie but when opportunity knocks you grab it. A hidden talent that I unlocked. So thanks to all the companies and events who believed in my talent.
  3. Events over clubbing - I had fewer clubs gig this year but then opportunity knocked again with private parties, debut, wedding, corporate events and christmas parties. Thank you for requesting Party Rock Anthem instead of Here comes the bride. And yes Bubble Butt and Don't drop that thun thun is the anthem during debuts.
  4. I wore skinny jeans- Yes you heard it right. From a size 36 waist line down to size 32. Much to the fact that I was 198 lbs and now 165 lbs. No rice diet werks!
  5. Throwback - The way I gauge my life is where was I last year and where I am now. Indeed there were lotsa first times. Last year t'was my first time to get a credit card and I was finally able to buy a condominium unit. This is year t'was my first time to buy a brand spanking latest iPhone model and to kick up the like a bawse....t'was a data plan! I consider these as my achievements considering that I work as a freelancer. So y'all those saying that this job ain't stable...I give you my middle finger salute.
  6. Burn bridges to make room for new positive friends - I made a rule of thumb that if a so-called friend did not reply within a month for "busy" reasons then I delete em. Why? That only means you cannot manage your time and besides work your work is an 8 hour job not 24/7. So get a life and quit yer job.
  7. Better be hated for who you are than be loved for what you are not - We've all heard this before lotsa times. In my case, I had to walk the path of Uichiha Itachi. Be the villain in order to protect the village.