Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Some people love dogs, some people don't. Plain and simple. I'm blogging out of my free will and free time so I decided to keep it real by recounting my various experiences yet I don't wanna put anybody in a bad light. So reader discretion is advised. I have owned 3 dogs for the past 3 years and every dog that I had/have made me learn and experience new stuff in life. It's those little things that others might have taken for granted or overseen that genuinely makes me ecstatic. Now going back to topic, I'm happy with my dog while others are extremely pissed off now here are my reasons why my dog is my best friend.

Man's Best Friend

You always hear that but to all dog lovers out there, it's a case to case basis of never-ending experiences with your "furkid". Some dogs fetch, it could be that toy ball that you play or that smelly shoes that needs to be tucked away in the farthest corners of the house. You give the command and the ultimate joy is your dog follows. And yes offleash dogs are added bonus. Some dogs guard the house, warning you of possible intruders. In my case, my dog is my best friend for the simple reason that he is my constant companion. Especially for me who works during the weekends at night, so I can't just tag my loved ones or friends to be with me anytime I feel the need to go outside the house. Speaking of which, for the longest time since my work has been an issue in the household wherein lunch specifically during Sundays has turned into an impromptu bull session. The best thing to do is go out and eat outside. It has become a habit since I had my first dog. In my own way I have become an escape artist (one trait of siberian huskies) just to get away from the fighting and tension. Most of the time we'd go to BHS The Fort as the area is pet friendly combined with the resto lined up when you get hungry. Our dogs have become our constant companions and while others see them as just animals, we see them as members of the family.

Old you new hobby

You see i'm the type of person who likes to try something new everyday....and stick to it. As a kid I loved to draw and now it has transcended into editing stuff thru photoshop. I learned to play the guitar during my teens, had a college band and well yeah i'm now a DJ. I had my first siberian husky 3 years ago, Butter! Having a dog teaches you responsibility in taking care of others before yourself. Butter had separation anxiety so literally I had to leave the house early when peeps are still awake (he doesn't like it when he doesn't see anybody around) and drag myself home as soon as I got out from a gig. The best thing about having Butter and Zedd was that even if they are of the same breed, they still have different personalities that you have to deal with. Zedd was very protective of Butter, you can play with her whenever you want but she has to know you first before she allows you to play with Butter. The moment I got Yuki, he instantly became the supladog! Try to pet him and he'll go to the other direction and yes it's hard to catch and hug him. The only thing he loves more than anything else is to run! Another good thing about having this hobby is having people with the same interests as you do. We have this online community the Philippine Siberian Husky Club aka PSHC with more than 3000 members who share the love and passion in taking care of our pets. And it just keeps getting better as we are divided into smaller packs based on location to allow more interaction among members. I belong to the PSHCi Mandaluyong pack. Aside from being just an online group, there have been numerous events where we all meet up. It's good to know that these people are friendly and will help you with almost anything. From a looking for a missing dog, what's the best dog food to paying vet bills. Anything under the pack sun!


Anybody who says that i don't exercise? Try handling my dog! When you have 50 lb sled dog pulling you whatchu gonna do? Of course you gotta stand your ground and shift your weight at the same time not pull your dog back coz he's gonna pull harder. An hour's walk just outside could make you perspire like sweat was water. I don't know how are you gonna calorie count that one and i can't say i lost some weight but definitely I get my daily dose of exercise while avoiding oggly stares at the gym.

What dogs can teach us

Dogs don't hate. A dog is the only living thing that loves you more than himself. Dogs don't rationalize. If you wanna teach your dog or correct a behavior, you gotta catch him on the act. It's all about body language and visual cues. Projecting the right state of mind of being the alpha. Ever heard of the saying that "Kung ano ugali ng aso, ganun din ugali ng amo"? That's true to the extent since dogs are social animals. A dog is a reflection of it's master. Whenever you are busy, you tend to not have the time to walk your dog. And this is fatal to you and your dog as they have this pent up energy that they need to release and in most cases your dog would love to play with other dogs walking on the street but they don't know how. Often this leads to dog attacks the moment they get out of the house. Overfeeding is also an issue coz you'd want to achieve that fuller look or just plain negligence in keeping that dog bowl always full instead of having a feeding schedule. All the science and knowledge in having a dog made me aware of my surroundings. Example during a meeting when i try to get a gig, when the person tells me this is the talent fee that we usually give and we can't you your usual rate or we'll schedule you next month. Look at the person straight in the eye and you'd know he is lying. He's just beating around the bush and I'll never get that gig. Dogs teaches us to read and perceive. Dogs are color blind, they don't know what color of the shirt you're wearing but they'll definitely welcome you home the moment you step inside the house. That positive attitude makes us a better person. So next time don't get mad at your kid for eating the last piece of cake that you saved on the fridge.

A dog is not a human

I often hear people say "buti pa aso mo masarap pagkain" and my reply is "sige gusto mo kumain ng hilaw na manok?. Human are humans and there's really no comparison who you love more. So what if I buy 5 kgs of chicken neck and gizzard a week for 450 bucks when I'm paying my condo bills at 10k a month. And besides it's my salary and money so i have the right to use it as long as I don't overdo it. So don't expect me to be carrying my dog or dress him with the best clothes money can buy. If you watch the Dog Whisperer, you'd see the humans as part of the problem when they carry their dogs 24/7 a la Paris Hilton. And yes it is offensive and insulting when you come across someone with a toy dog specifically a chihuahua only to see that person pick his dog immediately combined with that degrading look in her face. Dogs no matter the size or breed will attack if it has not been socialized enough as they see other dogs as threats therefore the training and responsibility falls on the owner. Have you ever heard of the saying "Don't blame the breed, blame the owner"?. Dogs are animals and should be treated as such. So don't let em sit with you on the couch or sleep together in one bed.

With all these things in mind, only a dog lover can understand a dog lover. We all have that unique experience in handling our pets. What's important is we give them the best possible care we can and have much patience in handling non-dog lovers. I love my dog coz he is my pet and there is no other person that can bring me happiness the way dogs do. Just like what I've said, they exist on entirely different levels. As I've said also, they bring in things in our lives that people have taken for granted or don't notice. If other people need a hug....from a bear...with spikes on. All i need is a walking companion literally and technically and I know I'll be fine. Having a dog can be an enjoyable or terrible experience, it all depends how you see things in life. If you're the type of person who sees them as eating/sh*tting machines and are extremely cautious of what others or neighbors might say then a dog is not for you. If you see dogs as added expenses instead of buying that iphone 5 then a dog is not for you. Get a dog the suits you. Don't buy out of impulse just because of those ol puppy eyes in the pet shop. A dog is a pet, an animal that deserves our love and a family member we cherish.